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Problem 7


素数を小さい方から6つ並べると 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 であり, 6番目の素数は 13 である.
10 001 番目の素数を求めよ.

10001st prime

By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13.
What is the 10 001st prime number?









更新日 : 2013.01.21


scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> for (no <- 3 to 20 by 2) {
     |     var i = 0
     |     var j = 0
     |     var f = true
     |     while (f) {
     |         if (prime_list(i) * prime_list(i) > no) {
     |             f = false
     |         } else if (no % prime_list(i) == 0) {
     |             j = 1
     |             f = false
     |         } else i += 1
     |     }
     |     if (j == 0) prime_list = prime_list:::List(no)
     | }

scala> prime_list
res1: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19)

scala> prime_list.last
res2: Int = 19


次に、素数を20個 求めてみる

scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> var no = 3
no: Int = 3

scala> while (prime_list.length < 20) {
     |     var i = 0
     |     var j = 0
     |     var f = true
     |     while (f) {
     |         if (prime_list(i) * prime_list(i) > no) {
     |             f = false
     |         } else if (no % prime_list(i) == 0) {
     |             j = 1
     |             f = false
     |         } else i += 1
     |     }
     |     if (j == 0) prime_list = prime_list:::List(no)
     |     no += 2
     | }

scala> prime_list
res4: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71)

scala> prime_list.last
res5: Int = 71


素数を10001個 求める

scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> var no = 3
no: Int = 3

scala> while (prime_list.length < 10001) {
     |     var i = 0
     |     var j = 0
     |     var f = true
     |     while (f) {
     |         if (prime_list(i) * prime_list(i) > no) {
     |             f = false
     |         } else if (no % prime_list(i) == 0) {
     |             j = 1
     |             f = false
     |         } else i += 1
     |     }
     |     if (j == 0) prime_list = prime_list:::List(no)
     |     no += 2
     | }

scala> prime_list.last
res7: Int = 104743


prime_list:::List(no) が時間を食ってるんじゃないかという事で、ちょいと変更

scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> var no = 3
no: Int = 3

scala> while (prime_list.length < 10001) {
     |     var i = prime_list.length - 1
     |     var j = 0
     |     var f = true
     |     while (f) {
     |         if (prime_list(i) * prime_list(i) > no) {
     |             f = false
     |         } else if (no % prime_list(i) == 0) {
     |             j = 1
     |             f = false
     |         } else i -= 1
     |     }
     |     if (j == 0) prime_list = no::prime_list
     |     no += 2
     | }

scala> prime_list.head
res9: Int = 104743


scala> var max_prime = 2
max_prime: Int = 2

scala> var cnt = 1
cnt: Int = 1

scala> var no = 3
no: Int = 3

scala> while (cnt < 10001) {
     |     var fWhile = true
     |     var fPrime = true
     |     var i = 3
     |     var j = Math.sqrt(no)
     |     while (fWhile) {
     |         if (i > j) {
     |             fWhile = false
     |         } else if (no % i == 0) {
     |             fWhile = false
     |             fPrime = false
     |         } else i += 2
     |     }
     |     if (fPrime) {
     |         max_prime = no
     |         cnt += 1
     |     }
     |     no += 2
     | }
warning: there were 1 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details

scala> max_prime
res10: Int = 104743


scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> var cnt = 1
cnt: Int = 1

scala> var num = 3
num: Int = 3


scala> while (cnt < 10001) {
     |     var num_sqrt = Math.sqrt(num)
     |     var work_list = prime_list.reverse
     |     var p = work_list.head
     |     var fPrime = true
     |     var fWhile = true
     |     while (fWhile) {
     |         if (p > num_sqrt) {
     |             fWhile = false
     |         } else if (num % p == 0) {
     |             fPrime = false
     |             fWhile = false
     |         } else {
     |             work_list = work_list.tail
     |             p = work_list.head
     |         }
     |     }
     |     if (fPrime) {
     |         prime_list = num::prime_list
     |         cnt += 1
     |     }
     |     num += 2
     | }
warning: there were 1 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details

scala> prime_list.head
res1: Int = 104743


scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> var cnt = 1
cnt: Int = 1

scala> var num = 3
num: Int = 3


scala> while (cnt < 10001) {
     |     var num_sqrt = Math.sqrt(num)
     |     var work_list = prime_list
     |     var p = work_list.head
     |     var fPrime = true
     |     var fWhile = true
     |     while (fWhile) {
     |         if (p > num_sqrt) {
     |             fWhile = false
     |         } else if (num % p == 0) {
     |             fPrime = false
     |             fWhile = false
     |         } else {
     |             work_list = work_list.tail
     |             p = work_list.head
     |         }
     |     }
     |     if (fPrime) {
     |         prime_list = prime_list:::List(num)
     |         cnt += 1
     |     }
     |     num += 2
     | }
warning: there were 1 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details

scala> prime_list.last
res9: Int = 104743

もうちょっとだけ、Scala らしく...

scala> var prime_list = List(2)
prime_list: List[Int] = List(2)

scala> var cnt = 1
cnt: Int = 1

scala> var num = 3
num: Int = 3


scala> while (cnt < 10001) {
     |     var num_sqrt = Math.sqrt(num)
     |     var fPrime = true
     |     scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable {
     |         prime_list.foreach { p =>
     |             if (p > num_sqrt) {
     |                 scala.util.control.Breaks.break
     |             } else if (num % p == 0) {
     |                 fPrime = false
     |                 scala.util.control.Breaks.break
     |             }
     |         }
     |     }
     |     if (fPrime) {
     |         prime_list = prime_list:::List(num)
     |         cnt += 1
     |     }
     |     num += 2
     | }
warning: there were 1 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details

scala> prime_list.last
res19: Int = 104743


更新日 : 2013.01.21
> exception WhileBreak of unit;;

exception WhileBreak of unit

> let mutable prime_list = [2];;

val mutable prime_list : int list = [2]

> let mutable cnt = 1;;

val mutable cnt : int = 1

> let mutable num = 3;;

val mutable num : int = 3

- while (cnt < 10001) do
-     let num_sqrt = sqrt (float num)
-     let mutable fPrime = true
-     try
-         prime_list
-         |> List.iter (fun p ->
-             if ((float p) > num_sqrt) then
-                 raise (WhileBreak ())
-             elif (num % p = 0) then
-                    fPrime <- false
-                    raise (WhileBreak ())
-            )
-     with _ -> ()
-     if fPrime then
-         prime_list <- List.append prime_list [num]
-         cnt <- cnt + 1
-     num <- num + 2
- ;;

          |> List.iter (fun p ->

stdin(11,23): error FS0407: The mutable variable 'fPrime' is used in an invalid way. Mutable variables cannot be captured by closures. Consider eliminating this use of mutation or using a heap-allocated mutable reference cell via 'ref' and '!'.


> exception WhileBreak of unit;;

exception WhileBreak of unit

> let mutable prime_list = [2];;

val mutable prime_list : int list = [2]

> let mutable cnt = 1;;

val mutable cnt : int = 1

> let mutable num = 3;;

val mutable num : int = 3

> let mutable fPrime = true;;

val mutable fPrime : bool = true

- while (cnt < 10001) do
-     let num_sqrt = sqrt (float num)
-     fPrime <- true
-     try
-         prime_list
-         |> List.iter (fun p ->
-             if ((float p) > num_sqrt) then
-                 raise (WhileBreak ())
-             elif (num % p = 0) then
-                    fPrime <- false
-                    raise (WhileBreak ())
-            )
-     with _ -> ()
-     if fPrime then
-         prime_list <- List.append prime_list [num]
-         cnt <- cnt + 1
-     num <- num + 2
- ;;
val it : unit = ()
> prime_list.[prime_list.Length-1];;
val it : int = 104743
> ;;

Scala版 より高速!
















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