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Problem 21


d(n) を n の真の約数の和と定義する. (真の約数とは n 以外の約数のことである. )
もし, d(a) = b かつ d(b) = a (a ≠ b のとき) を満たすとき, a と b は友愛数(親和数)であるという.

例えば, 220 の約数は 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55, 110 なので d(220) = 284 である.
また, 284 の約数は 1, 2, 4, 71, 142 なので d(284) = 220 である.


Amicable numbers

Let d(n) be defined as the sum of proper divisors of n (numbers less than n which divide evenly into n).
If d(a) = b and d(b) = a, where a ≠ b, then a and b are an amicable pair and each of a and b are called amicable numbers.

For example, the proper divisors of 220 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110; therefore d(220) = 284. The proper divisors of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71 and 142; so d(284) = 220.

Evaluate the sum of all the amicable numbers under 10000.


自然数 n が、
( は素数、 は 0 以上の整数)
と素因数分解されるとき、n の約数の個数と 約数の総和は、次の公式で与えられる。

たとえば、 は、 と素因数分解され、約数は、

で、約数の個数 は、 個、










更新日 : 2013.02.04
scala> def get_prime_factor(map:collection.mutable.Map[Long, Long], n: Long, factor: Long = 2) {
     |     if  (n  >= factor) {
     |         if (n % factor != 0 )
     |             get_prime_factor(map, n, factor + 1)
     |         else {
     |             if (map.contains(factor))
     |                 map(factor) += 1
     |             else
     |                 map += factor -> 1
     |             get_prime_factor(map, n / factor, factor)
     |         }
     |     }
     | }
get_prime_factor: (map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long,Long], n: Long, factor: Long)Unit

scala> val map = collection.mutable.Map[Long, Long] ()
map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long,Long] = Map()

scala> get_prime_factor(map, 28)

scala> map
res1: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long,Long] = Map(7 -> 1, 2 -> 2)
scala> map.transform((k,v) => (math.pow(k, v + 1) - 1).toLong / (k - 1))
res2: map.type = Map(7 -> 8, 2 -> 7)

scala> map.values
res3: Iterable[Long] = HashMap(8, 7)

scala> map.values.reduceLeft(_*_)
res4: Long = 56
scala> def sum_of_proper_divisors(n:Long):Long = {
     |     var map = collection.mutable.Map[Long, Long] ()
     |     get_prime_factor(map, n)
     |     if (map.size == 0) 0
     |     else {
     |         map.transform((k,v) => (math.pow(k, v + 1) - 1).toLong / (k - 1))
     |         map.values.reduceLeft(_*_) - n
     |     }
     | }
sum_of_proper_divisors: (n: Long)Long
scala> sum_of_proper_divisors(220)
res5: Long = 284

scala> sum_of_proper_divisors(284)
res6: Long = 220
scala> var ami_list:List[Long] = List()
ami_list: List[Long] = List()

scala> for (i <- 1 to 10000) {
     |     val n = sum_of_proper_divisors(i)
     |     if (i != n) {
     |         val m = sum_of_proper_divisors(n)
     |         if (i == m) ami_list = n::ami_list
     |     }
     | }

scala> ami_list
res8: List[Long] = List(6232, 6368, 5020, 5564, 2620, 2924, 1184, 1210, 220, 284)

scala> ami_list.sum
res9: Long = 31626


更新日 : 2013.02.04
> let mutable map:Map<int, int> = Map.empty;;

val mutable map : Map<int,int> = map []

> let rec get_prime_factor (map:Map<int, int> byref) (n:int) (factor: int) =
-     if n  >= factor then
-         if n % factor <> 0 then
-             get_prime_factor &map n (factor + 1)
-         else
-             if Map.containsKey factor map then
-                 let n = map.[factor] + 1
-                 map <- map.Remove factor
-                 map <- (map |> Map.add factor n)
-             else
-                 map <- (map |> Map.add factor 1)
-             get_prime_factor &map (n / factor) factor
- ;;

val get_prime_factor : byref<Map<int,int>> -> int -> int -> unit

> get_prime_factor &map 28 2;;
val it : unit = ()
> map
- ;;
val it : Map<int,int> = map [(2, 2); (7, 1)]
> map
- |> Map.iter (fun k t -> printf "%d -> %d\n" k t)
- ;;
2 -> 2
7 -> 1
val it : unit = ()
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> System.Math.Pow(float k,float t))
- ;;
val it : Map<int,float> = map [(2, 4.0); (7, 7.0)]
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0))
- ;;
val it : Map<int,float> = map [(2, 8.0); (7, 49.0)]
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0)
- ;;
val it : Map<int,float> = map [(2, 7.0); (7, 48.0)]
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> (System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0) / float (k - 1))
- ;;
val it : Map<int,float> = map [(2, 7.0); (7, 8.0)]
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> (System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0) / float (k - 1))
- |> Map.toList
- ;;
val it : (int * float) list = [(2, 7.0); (7, 8.0)]
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> (System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0) / float (k - 1))
- |> Map.toList
- |> List.map (fun (k, t) -> t)
- ;;
val it : float list = [7.0; 8.0]
> map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> (System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0) / float (k - 1))
- |> Map.toList
- |> List.map (fun (k, t) -> t)
- |> List.reduce(*)
- ;;
val it : float = 56.0
> int (map
- |> Map.map (fun k t -> (System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0) / float (k - 1))
- |> Map.toList
- |> List.map (fun (k, t) -> t)
- |> List.reduce(*))
- ;;
val it : int = 56
> let sum_of_proper_divisors (n:int):int =
-     let mutable map:Map<int, int> = Map.empty
-     get_prime_factor &map n 2
-     if map.IsEmpty then 0
-     else
-         int (map
-         |> Map.map (fun k t -> (System.Math.Pow(float k,(float t) + 1.0) - 1.0) / float (k - 1))
-         |> Map.toList
-         |> List.map (fun (k, t) -> t)
-         |> List.reduce(*)) - n
- ;;

val sum_of_proper_divisors : int -> int
> sum_of_proper_divisors 220;;
val it : int = 284
> sum_of_proper_divisors 284;;
val it : int = 220
- let mutable ami_list:List<int> = [];;

val mutable ami_list : List<int> = []

> for i in [1 .. 10000] do
-     let n = sum_of_proper_divisors i
-     if i <> n then
-         let m = sum_of_proper_divisors n
-         if i = m then ami_list <- n::ami_list
- ;;
val it : unit = ()
> ami_list
- ;;
val it : List<int> =
  [6232; 6368; 5020; 5564; 2620; 2924; 1184; 1210; 220; 284]
> ami_list
- |> List.reduce(+)
- ;;
val it : int = 31626
















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